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Are You Allergic to Your Cat?

Spring brings misery to many allergy suffers. If you are allergic to more than one thing the severity of your symptoms is related to the total number of allergens you come in contact with.Having pet allergies does not mean you cannot have a cat or that you must get rid of the cat you have. This problem can be resolved by changing some factors of your environment.

Your pet allergies are triggered by allergens; these are things like pollen and cat dander that evoke an allergic reaction when you come in contact with them. If you have allergies chances are you are allergic to more than just one thing; dust, mold, pollen, and certain types of food may trigger similar reactions. The allergens from your cat arise from contact with dander, hair, and saliva.

Dander is a mixture of skin and saliva that your cat sheds. Dander is responsible for most allergies associated with pets. Cat dander gets trapped in carpet, furniture, and your draperies. Male cats typically produce more allergens than female cats.

Some cats shed fewer allergens than others. Having a long hair cat versus a short hair cat does not mean the cat will produce fewer allergens. Allergens can vary by breed or even by litter; there may be some breeds of cat that do not trigger your allergies. Your allergies compound each other. Since you are allergic to more than one thing, your total level of allergens is what leads to a reaction. You can be allergic to cats but show no symptoms if your allergen levels are below threshold. Allergic reactions are triggered when your total allergen levels rise above this threshold. Your goal to limit allergic reactions is to reduce your expose to other allergens than your cat in order to stay below your threshold. Still, Here are steps you can take to reduce your cat’s contribution to your allergy suffering.

Keep Cats Away From Your Bedroom

A cat sleeping on your bed is a major source of cat hair, dander, and saliva. By keeping the bedroom door closed you reduce your exposure to these allergens while you are sleeping. Clean your bedding in extremely hot water (140 degree hot) to remove dust mites and other allergens.

Purchase Air Purifiers

Using a air purifier will help remove allergens from the air in your home. Make sure the vacuum you are using to clean your home uses a filter as well. When you vacuum you home hit all surfaces; your carpet, drapes, blinds, and vents are all havens for allergens.

Wash Your Hands and Your Cat

Wash your hands frequently and avoid rubbing your eyes. Keeping your cat groomed will reduce the amount of loose hair coming off your cat. There are also products you can purchase such as Allerpet to reduce dander.

Limit Your Exposure to Your Cat

If your allergies are severe you might try limiting exposure to your cat. One way to do this is to confine yourself to an area of the house where your cat is not allowed.

By reducing your exposure to allergens such as dust and pollen you may be able to control your exposure enough to tolerate your cats. If you have tried all of the steps listed above and are unable to manage your allergic reactions you may need your family doctor to refer you to an allergy specialist.

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